Going in the circles...

Second Life is soo going in circles to me right now. Things are quite repetitive and pretty much nothing surprise me anymore. However, i have tried pretty much everything and i admit for more than 1 year im spontaneously logging in. I have no pressure with it at all. It's kinda sad how SL gets "used" for older gamers but on the other hand it makes you realize how awesome is your real life for the opposite reasons. I never felt myself obsessive about games and more, i did try alot because of simple curiosity but nothing more behind. Dramas, business, all these strange relations ("families"), fake marriages, fake feelings, fake people and pseudo divas. What's the goodie of SL to me then? ...........................................................................
............... *whistles and looks around*..............................
............................................................meeting the most REAL and AMAZING guy in the whole SL, my Josef! ;)  And perhaps learning so much about people's short minded characters. It's been a crazy n wild ride with some, but you know, after all what makes ya more weak gives ya more strenght for the future.
I'm happy with the things how they go. My half is my everything and thats the best medication for the hardest times aswell. True happiness. Fight for it if you reach it.

Sexy Pink Heart