I dedicate this post to my dear friend Jezy Bellic, known as DJ Jezy from the UK (Jezy's website), also a friend of many others. Yes... sadly, he passed away. He was a great DJ, worked for best clubs, funny, friendly and always ready to try something new. We first met when i wanted a good DJ on my own party. We didnt talk too much, but we always had something funny to talk about :( Eh mate, why so early? ...i guess it was his day, but you know what? Now, he's even stronger than ever before, his music, passion was his poem he left to us. We'll miss you Jezy!! :(
"You probably think I'm silly when we didn't even know each other But to me you'll always be my brother..."
[2010/06/10 11:56] Karola Silversmith: IM me whenever you're free, thanks :)
[2010/06/10 11:56] Jezy Bellic: sure
[2010/06/10 21:32] Jezy Bellic: hi im sure we can give it a try im me wen possible plz
[2010-11-12 14:35] Jezy Bellic is offline.
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[10:21] Jezy Bellic is offline.
In our hearts - always online.
hugs all.