Finally! After a long time of existing this almost dead sim is closing down. It had a good beginning, we all, who worked on it did our very best to keep it alive and keep the traffic not just because of the big sandbox (that was always a home to the griefers mainly). Unfortunately, we can't blame ourselves for anything. Truth is pretty sad but i guess it's not about going into the details now. Can only say - we, hosts and the rest who worked there, were not able to show what we can. But whatever. It had to end like this and now it's just making me curious where all these people, who don't know whole secondlife yet will go. Ill try to help as much as i can to give some lost newbies some clue where they can actually explore their abilities ,build etc if needed. Well, had to thank to those who let this big failure grow, and now don't show up to say even a word to people. Et voila, life goes on... :)